
Practice Kindness

Practice Kindness

“When we feel love and kindness towards others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for but, it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.” ~Dalai Lama

With Valentine’s Day almost a week away, I thought it would be timely to talk about kindness.

When we are children, we’re told to be ‘be kind to others’ and as we get older, we start learning that being kind to ourselves is just as important.

Being a dedicated yoga practitioner for over 13 years, I’ve learned the importance of self compassion as well as compassion towards others. One cannot exist without the other.

Kindness comes in many different ways, some of which are: taking care of the body through movement and healthy eating, speaking kind thoughts to yourself, setting boundaries with family and friends, and learning how to honor yourself in the highest good.

Showing kindness to others comes in many forms as well, such as: speaking kindly to others, treating people the way you would want to be treated, helping a friend in need, being a good sibling or caretaker and being of service.

I have always been a giver – it makes me feel good to give to all the people in my life – my husband, my family, my friends, people who I teach, and sometimes a stranger. It’s just as important for me to give to others than it is to take the time to be kind to myself. I’m aware of the the continuous cycle of kindness in my life – the kindness that I give to myself and the kindness that I give out to others.  

Every day, I check in to see how can I be more kind to myself and how I can spread more kindness to others. Sometimes, kindness means resting my body or taking a yoga class, and sometimes that means donating clothing or holding a door for a stranger, or helping a friend in need.

In the month of February, ask yourself how you can spread more KINDNESS into the world – whether that is honoring yourself or celebrating another!

We must take the time to be gentle with ourselves, just as much as we would be with another person.

Find ways to practice kindness and share them with others!

Seated Meditation for Kindness:

Mantra: I am so kind.

Sit in a comfortable cross-legged seat. Take a clearing breath in through the nose and exhale out the mouth. Do this several times until you start to settle into your breath and the moment. Relax the muscles in your face, scan the body and release any tension you might be holding.

Place one hand on your heart and the other hand on your belly. Inhale, fill up your belly with air and allow the breath to travel to your heart. Exhale, feel your chest descend and your belly come inward.

As you continue to find an evenness in your breath, think of the mantra “I am so kind.” Continue this breathing exercise and notice how the mantra makes you feel. End the meditation when you’re ready.

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