
5 Ways To Release A Negative Thought Pattern

5 Ways To Release A Negative Thought Pattern

I consider myself to be a positive person. I always look for the good in everything. I’m a glass half full kind of person. In my lifetime, of course, I’ve experienced personal hardships and negative situations. There have been times that I was completely consumed by negative thought patterns and felt as thought I’d never get out of them. Trust me, I’ve been there! It’s SO easy to get sucked into a cycle of negativity.

Having experienced both positive and negative thoughts in my everyday life, I’ve decided to try an experiment. When I feel myself becoming consumed by negative thoughts, I immediately do these things:

1. Journal. This has been a game changer for me. Take a few minutes in the morning or at night (or anytime in your day) to write down a few things you are grateful for. When we focus on the positive things in our life, we invite more of those things in and we’re more focused on a positive outlook. If that doesn’t do it for you, try to free flow write in a journal to get everything out of your head. This is a nice way to release it and literally get it out.

2. LET IT GO. When a negative situation or thought pattern starts to take over your mind, feel it in your heart and then consciously LET IT GO. Whatever you need to do to release it, do it. When we hold on to negative feelings for days, weeks, years, they start to accumulate in our psyche and eventually affect us emotionally and physically. Let it GO!

3. Call A Friend. If there’s someone in your life that can just listen to you talk or gives good advice, call them! Sometimes, it feels good when someone hears you and even better when they’re a trusted person who knows you and gives sage advice. If there’s no one like that in your life, check out this post.  

4. Move Your Body. Sometimes, we get trapped in our heads because we just need to move some energy around in our body. Get up and go for a brisk walk. Dance around the living room (if you’re home). Go for a hike. Do some YOGA. Check out this amazing routine to get rid of negative thought patterns: Let It Go Yoga Flow

5. Make A Commitment To Being POSITIVE. Sometimes, when one bad thing happens, we get stuck in a cycle of negativity. YOU have the power to turn it around! It’s all about perspective. When we’re stuck in a negative thought pattern, don’t allow yourself to get swept up in misery. Turn it around. Start by looking at the positive in everything you do. Start small. Positive thoughts add up. You can say to yourself or out loud:  “I am thankful I am drinking clean water” or “I am grateful for my healthy body” or “I am happy that I have a job or my family is so supportive.”

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