
The Fitness Trifecta: How To Maintain Perfect Physical Health

The Fitness Trifecta: How To Maintain Perfect Physical Health

I am a passionate fitness person who loves to exercise simply because it makes me feel good in my mind, body, and soul. Fitness is a significant part of my lifestyle and I especially love to share it with others.

When I stumbled upon yoga many years ago, the physical practice changed my life. I began to forego my other exercise routines because the overall physical and emotional benefits of yoga outweighed all other activities I was doing. Yoga is an amazing practice that has countless benefits for the mind, body, and soul but, it shouldn’t be the only exercise you do.

This year, a back injury made me rethink this “yoga is everything” mentality. Through my own discoveries of healing my back, I found that the key component missing from my fitness regimen was Strength Training. Strength training was always one of those things I shied away from — the weights, the bands, the machines, the million crunches, the crazy gym classes. I didn’t feel that it was necessary. Through some trials and tribulations, my fitness journey took a turn for the best and I soon discovered that strength training was the vital part  of fitness that was missing.

There are three components to maintaining perfect physical health. I call it the “Fitness Trifecta.”

In order to maintain almost perfect physical health one needs a combination of cardio, strength, and flexibility. It makes perfect sense. You can’t have one without the other. You might ask yourself: ‘How can I incorporate all three of these fitness aspects in my own life?’  Simple! Start by taking small steps in each of these areas, mix up your exercises, and aim to incorporate all three into your weekly routine. You will soon feel stronger, more flexible, and your clothes might even fit better.


Cardio: By doing 30 minutes a day 3-5 times a week you can make a significant difference in your overall health. A few ways of adding cardio into your daily routine is to take a brisk walk outside or on the treadmill, throw on a YouTube dance video in your living room, or go for a jog with a friend outside. Do exercises that you like and you’re more apt to enjoy it and stick with them. When I don’t feel like hopping in my car to get to the gym or not in the mood to go outside for a walk, The Fitness Marshall helps me shake things up right in my living room.

Strength: There are a variety of ways to add more strength training into your fitness regimen. I’m talking about overall strength from arms, to back, to glutes, to core, and legs. This doesn’t have to require an hour of lifting weights or doing machines at the gym. This can be simple exercises with resistance bands at home or wherever you are. Ankle weights are a new thing I start to use with my lateral leg lifts and simple exercises like these: Total Body Sculpting. There are a million videos on YouTube that you can access to get some ideas. If you aren’t sure where to start, I would do a 30 minute personal training session at your local gym to get a better idea of what areas you personally need to strengthen.

Flexibility: This is one area that I am well versed in having practiced yoga for over a decade. As I’ve gotten older, my flexibility has changed slightly, but by continue to practice yoga daily, I’m able to maintain overall flexibility in my body. Again, you don’t have to start a yoga practice to gain flexibility. Check out these  21 Best Exercises To Gain Flexibility. You can start by doing these simple stretches everyday. Maintaining flexibility in the body prevents you from getting injuries. If you can’t get to a yoga class, no big deal, you can practice at home with Yoga With Adriene. I love her classes because she teaches in a safe way and has a lovely sense of humor!

How can I forget… Nutrition! Eating healthy is also a huge part of maintaining overall physical health. You don’t have to make all of these changes overnight. Start with small changes, and you will make big strides in the long run. Some ideas about what to eat everyday to maintain a healthy weight: What You Need To Eat Everyday


**Disclaimer: Check with your Doctor before starting any new fitness routine.

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