
How To Celebrate The Summer Solstice

How To Celebrate The Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice takes place in the Northern Hemisphere on Thursday, June 21st 6:07AM. On a day where the sunlight is the longest of the year, there’s a powerful energy that we can all feel leading up to it. This surge of creative energy and renewal symbolizes that Summer is finally here. The Summer Solstice actually coincides with the full moon so it’s an even more potent time to manifest new things in our lives.  

Ask yourself, “How can I let go of any fear and doubts in order to connect to my life more fully?”

We’re nearly half way through the year, so now is the time to check in with yourself to see how far you’ve come with manifesting any goals and dreams and celebrate all you’ve accomplished.

Here are Some Things you Can Do to Celebrate the Summer Solstice:

  • Do some Yoga Sun Salutations in the early morning to cultivate the powerful energy within you and for the rest of the day. (Sun Salutations)
  • Spend time with friends or family eating a dinner outside.
  • Take a few minutes to check in with yourself and see if you’ve accomplish some of your goals that you set out to do for the year. See if there’s anything you can let go of in order to live out the rest of the solar cycle (year) more fully.
  • Put your feet in the grass to experience “earthing” to connect with the Earth’s natural energy. There are many wonderful benefits to this grounding practice. See here about Earthing.
  • Celebrate the fact that Summer is finally here and do all the things that really light you up during this time!
  • Put your attention towards pleasure and do what feels go in your body, mind, and soul.

Happy Summer Solstice!

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