
8 Simple Ways To Relieve Stress In Your Life

8 Simple Ways To Relieve Stress In Your Life

Do you ever felt stressed out? I’m not talking about the normal levels of stress, like when you have a few things to do for work and can’t decide what to make for dinner. I’m talking about high levels of stressed when you feel on edge, cranky, your mind is racing, and things in your life seem out of your control.

These days, it’s seems like everyone is on the go, doing a million things every day and trying to conquer everything on their to-do-lists, plus exercise, take the dog for a walk, and start a passion project. Trust me, I’ve been there. When I try to be ‘Super Woman’, I end up feeling super stressed. The feeling of stress immediately changes the way I feel in my mind and body, and I get agitated by the slightest annoyance.

Even as a yoga teacher who tries to keep herself grounded and zen, even I have my moments of feeling frazzled. After trying many different ways to relieve stress in my own life, I’ve found a few easy things to do that really work.

Here Are 8 Simple Ways To Relieve Stress In Your Life:  

1.Take A Few Belly Breaths

Find a quiet place, where you can tune into your breath. Put one hand on your belly, close your eyes. Inhale through your nose, follow your inhale from your belly to your chest, exhale out the mouth. Continue this exercise for a few more rounds until you find a nice rhythm to your breath. Then, breathe in through your nose, exhale out your nose. If it helps you, think of a positive affirmation such as: ‘I am strong or I am kind, or I feel relaxed.’

2. Go For A Walk In Nature

Nature is the biggest healer there is when you feel stressed out. Walking outside allows for blood to flow in the body and also gets your endorphins going. Try to walk in a place with some trees – this will help you to feel more grounded and connected to something bigger than yourself.

 3. Call A Friend

Sometimes, our best friend or mom can immediately put things into perspective. Call someone you know will give you good advice or make you laugh. It’s all about perspective and airing your stresses can help you gain more clarity about what’s really bothering you.

4. Dance It Out

Put on your favorite music, and dance it OUT! Whenever I get into a funk, I take a dance break in my living room. Dancing is an instant mood lifter. Shake and move until you start you feel better. There’s no time limit on this one.

5. Do Yoga

Ah, yoga. Among its many benefits, yoga has been proven to be a big stress reliever. Yoga allows you to quiet your mind and tune into your body. Stress often gets trapped in the physical body. Sometimes, our aches and pain are signs of stress. Yoga increases blood flow and stretches those areas that feel tight. In turn, you feel quite relaxed.

6. Keep A Gratitude Journal

Start to write down the things that you’re grateful for in your life. When you train your brain to jot down happy moments, you begin to cultivate a sense of happiness. These grateful moments can create a sense of emotional well-being. Studies show that people who keep a gratitude journal have 23% lower levels of stress hormones like cortisol.

7. Get Some Sleep

Sleep is not overrated. We all need sleep to function normally in our busy lives. Sleep is not only a powerful stress reducer, it allows the body to restore itself every night. Sleep actually calms and restores the body, improves concentration, regulates mood, and sharpens judgment and decision-making.

8. Be Of Service To Someone

When you focus your attention on the needs of someone else, your stress levels have been scientifically proven to go down. Even the simplest acts of kindness can minimize the stress on your body and improve your physical wellness, as well as your emotional health. Some ideas would be to clean out your closet, volunteer, hold the door, smile and have a conversation with a stranger.

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