
My 5 Favorite Yoga Poses

My 5 Favorite Yoga Poses

There are thousands of yoga poses that exist but, there are only a handful of them that I enjoy doing everyday.

When I practice yoga at home, I intuitively go through my own flow and make sure to always include these types of poses: a hip-opener, heart opener, balance pose, and a shoulder opener.

I feel best when I add these poses into my practice because they ground me, energize me, and make me feel most alive in my body! It’s amazing how many benefits there are to doing these poses. If a day goes by that I don’t do these 5 poses, my mind and body feel out of alignment. This is why yoga has really become a lifestyle for me.

Feel free to try to any of these poses at home and experience their whole body benefits!

Warrior II (Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana II)

Benefits: Strengthens the legs, opens the hips and chest, develops concentration, balance and groundedness, builds stamina.


Triangle Pose (Sanskrit: Utthita Trikonasana)

Benefits: Stretches the hamstrings, groins, and hips, opens the chest and shoulders. It helps relieve lower back pain, stress, and sluggish digestion. Strengthens the muscles in the thighs, hips, and back, while toning the knees and ankles.


Tree Pose (Sanskrit: Vrksasana)

Benefits: Improves balance and stability in the legs, strengthens the ligaments of the feet, strengthens and tones the entire standing leg, assists the body in establishing pelvic stability, strengthen the bones of the hips and legs, builds self-confidence and esteem, helps one to achieve balance in other aspects of life.


Dancer Pose (Sanskrit: Natajarasana)

Benefits: Provides a powerful stretch for the front side of the body, especially the pectoralis muscle in the chest, the psoas and the quadriceps. Teaches us how to maintain grace and poise while facing a challenge. Improves balance and strengthens the nervous system.


Camel Pose (Sanskrit: Ustrasana)

Benefits: Opens up the hips, stretching deep hip flexors, stretches and strengthens the shoulders and back, expands the abdominal region, improves digestion, improves posture, opens the chest, improves respiration, relieves lower back pain, helps to heal and balance the chakras, strengthens thighs and arms, improves flexibility, promotes overall health and well-being.

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